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Car Race - Grand Prix
Publisher: Matsushima
Series: Matsushima - gold
Made in: Unknown
Release year: unknown
Model: MG-321 A
Screen type: LCD
Number of screens: 1
Number of screen layers: 1
Battery type: 2 x LR44 or SR44
Shape: rectangular
Number of players: 1 player
Case colors:
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Matsushima: Car Race - Grand Prix[/url]


Overall score Sale Details Owner
Details kisember
Details McBrabbi
Details rinus711


kisember 2007-11-24 23:19:21.0
Although the game looks nice the gameplay became boring after 2 minutes. I don't catch the point why should a game ends (after 4 loops) if I still have 'lives'.
It is a nice shiny game on my shelf which I will never play.


You drive a car on a bean shaped path. You have to avoid collision (by stopping or changing course) with obstacles like cars, falling tree, sliding rocks.
The game ends after you successfully take four loops or collide for tree times.
The controls are very simple, you may stop/go, or change the course (inner/outer).

In [I]game 1[/I] mode there are three cars standing on the road and accidently a tree falls, a rock slides, or a car run through the road. So there are 3 constant and 3 random obstacles that you have to avoid.
In [I]game 2[/I] mode instead of the three cars standing on the road there is one car that drive along with you almost the same speed and it also change its course too.

[URL=/manufacturer.jsp?manufacturer=39]Matsushima[/URL] has released another game (three variant): Space Shuttle/Submarine with the same gameplay but different case and graphics.
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